...from Győr to the world

Girls' Day at Audi Hungaria

2023. 04. 28.

There is one day every year when girls who are determined to conquer the world unite to explore their potential in engineering. A day when young girls gain lifelong inspiration for their career choices.

A day when careers in science, technology and engineering open up to girls. A day to prove again and again that nothing is impossible.

At our company, they got a glimpse into the day-to-day operations of the world's largest powertrain plant and one of the most modern car manufacturers, and while they were here, they also got to see some of the work we do every day. In the Profiraum, the car production's training center, they could feel like real mechanics with the help of our helpful colleagues. They fitted tail lights and doors to our Q3, built dashboard trim, bolted on TT spoilers and tested on-board features. On the PHEV experience island, they were given the opportunity to learn about the production features of the plug-in hybrid models we produce.

The hands-on experience was complemented by a factory visit. During the company presentation, the wow factor was almost palpable among the girls, who were fascinated by the history of the Audi brand and the dynamic and impressive development of Audi Hungaria over the past 30 years. Our 12,000 employees, many thousands of square kilometers – rivalling the size of a small town – and millions of units produced, the premium products and services we offer and the international network of contacts - all of it inspired genuine admiration.

During the factory visit, they were able to experience the day-to-day work at our plant, including a visit to the press shop, the body shop and, of course, the assembly lines.

After a busy morning and early afternoon full of activities, the participants could talk to ladies who are proving their mettle every day in what is considered a masculine profession. How did our colleague Roberta, originally an architect by training, become an IT technical coordinator? How does Kriszti, a young and energetic IT service manager with a degree in interpreting and social sciences, get on in her daily life? Why does Zsuzsi, who works as a production technology design engineer, feel that she is in the best place possible and surrounded by opportunities? How does Szandra, a dynamic, determined yet seemingly fragile engine design engineer, stand out among her many male colleagues while pursuing her PhD? These were some of the questions to which the girls could hear inspiring responses. They were reassured by their peers that if they are confident and determined to follow their dreams, then nothing is impossible for anyone.

Although not an automotive invention, there is an activity for 5–7-year-old girls called Playmakers, offered by the Hungarian Football Association in partnership with UEFA to promote football among girls. This is called princess football, with iconic female characters from fairytales. Not necessarily to turn every little pigtailed girl into a female footballer, but to make them love this sport and understand from a young age that nothing is impossible for them. At these training sessions, there is a battle cry that is always repeated: WE ARE NOT AFRAID – OF ANYTHING!

Let this message be heard by every girl – little or big, young or old!

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+ 36 96 66 8888

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