...from Győr to the world

Audi Hungaria is one of the most attractive employers according to young professionals

2023. 06. 09.

Our company was voted as the "Most Attractive Employer of the Year 2023" in the "Technical, Engineering" category in the Great Career Starter Survey.

In the Zemployer Brand creative campaigns competition, our Plan@Tech engineering student competition won first place in the public vote and a silver award from the professional jury. The award ceremony was held on Thursday, 8 June within the framework of the Business Fest. 

Zyntern.com, the leading Hungarian job portal, conducted a nationwide survey for the sixth time this year, focusing on the labor market preferences of young people. The survey was carried out in May 2023 and closely 3000 young people completed the detailed questionnaire. The survey sheds light upon Generation Z’s priorities in choosing a job, with questions about their long-term plans and preferred starting salaries. 

The most popular companies targeting young professionals not only had the chance to prove themselves as a result of the survey, but also in the form of a professional employer competition. The Zemployer Brand studied the best employer brand campaigns of the year for Generation Z. The creative campaigns of the companies received awards in two categories, based on public votes and the decision of the professional jury. 

We were pleased that our company received awards in several categories on the Business Fest stage again this year. 

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+ 36 96 66 8888

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