Audi Hungaria – The Company

“Many Audi workers can achieve a lot” – First Audi Hungaria Volunteer Day in Győr

2014. 10. 13.

• Committed staff for a good cause
• 19 public benefit projects implemented by 300 Audi staff
• Dr. Elisabeth Knab, Managing Director for Human Resources:
“We want to turn this initiative into a tradition”

Győr, 13 October 2014 – Held on 11 October under the slogan “Many Audi workers can achieve a lot,” the first Audi Hungaria Volunteer Day involved nearly 300 Audi volunteers completing 19 public benefit projects in and around Győr.

“The Volunteer Day reflects the company’s exemplary social commitment and proves that we not only act responsibly in our environment in everyday life but we also offer our selfless help for a noble cause,” said Dr. Elisabeth Knab, Managing Director for Human Resources of Audi Hungaria and main patron of the Audi Hungaria Volunteer Day. “We want to turn this initiative into a tradition,” she added.

Right from the start the initiative proved to be highly popular with Audi Hungaria’s employees. Nearly 300 of them, from various units within the company and from the mid and top management, signed up to participate in this corporate social responsibility event and offered their selfless help where it was needed. The volunteers supported several healthcare, social, educational, environmental and sports projects that were mainly focussed on children as 10 of them aimed at serving the benefit of children. For example, Audi employees renovated the classrooms at Rábapatona’s Petőfi Sándor Primary School, the children’s home in Ménfőcsanak, and several playgrounds. They also set up a teenager corner inside the Győr Hospital, built an outdoor stage for open-air performances, and renovated a monument in Felpéc.

Audi Hungaria would like to use the Volunteer Day to encourage its employees to engage in social responsibility. At the same time, joint success strengthens team spirit. The projects enabled Audi employees to implement their own ideas that contribute to higher living standards in the region.

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