Audi Hungaria – The Company

Teamwork and horsepower: Formula Student Hungary, supported by Audi Hungaria

2015. 08. 17.

• Three teams competing in the spirit of the four rings
• Dr. Erzsébet Knáb, Audi Hungaria's Member of the Board of Management for Human Resources: "We are proud to support the university students' participation in motorsport"
• Audi Hungaria is the main sponsor of the international competition

Győr, 17 August 2015 - This year, AUDI HUNGARIA MOTOR Kft. is once again the main sponsor of the Formula Student Hungary competition. The company is the main sponsor of the BME Formula Racing Team as well as the SZEngine and Arrabona Racing Team in Győr. The competition will be held between 20-23 August in Gönyű, where 44 teams will line up and the organizers expect 1000 students from 14 countries to take part in the competition.

It is the sixth time that the starting gun fires on the racetrack of Gönyű, hosting Formula Student Hungary. Here the decisive factors are - in addition to professional competencies - precision, creativity and team work skills of the future engineers and economists. The final victory will be achieved by a team whose car combines innovative technology with efficiency. The specialty of the competition is that these student teams are not just responsible for the development of the vehicle but also for its business and cost plans: they need to conciliate the business processes with the design and the manufacturing processes of the racing car.

For the engine and vehicle manufacturing company, being the main sponsor is an evident role. "Audi Hungaria is an innovative company, since we pursue our activities according to our slogan "Advancement through technology" day-by-day. We therefore support young people with technical interests and innovative ideas, and the Formula Student racing series provides an excellent platform for this" said Dr. Erzsébet Knáb, Member of the Board of Management for Human Resources at the company based in Győr. "Teamwork skills and the commitment shown during the work processes are key competencies in subsequent employment."

Victory is important for each team, though each of them focuses on different aspects. While the Arrabona Racing Team and the BME Formula Racing Team will prove their skills on the race track itself, the SZEngine team designs and constructs special racing engines for the participants of the race.

"Our development engineers are in close relationship with Audi Hungaria's engine development department, and from there we get professional help during the personal consultations that give us important impulses for our subsequent projects" said Fanni Borsi, team leader of SZEngine, referring to the benefits of the collaboration. She is a third-year Business Management student at the Széchenyi István University in Győr.

"I have a similar opinion" added Dániel Boriszov, captain of the BME Formula Racing Team, who acquired his BSc degree in vehicle engineering in June at the Budapest-based university. "Professional cooperation is one of the pillars of our multi-year partnership with Audi Hungaria. We also get the chance to encounter real industrial problems during the Professional Days and we can work on the solutions, too."

The third team supported by Audi Hungaria appreciates the company's support as well. "The seminars and projects offered by Audi Hungaria play an important role in the development of the team members' professional skills" emphasized Tamás Kolossváry, deputy team leader of the Arrabona Racing team, a third-year student in the vehicle engineering BSc programme, specialising in automotive engineering at the Széchenyi István University.

Ever since the company has been supporting the Formula Student Hungary competition, it has been welcoming many of the participating students as colleagues. In the summer season, currently 43 team members from Győr perform their Formula Student activities as trainees at Audi. Apart from them, several team members are working in different departments of the company in the framework of the internship programme of Audi Hungaria.

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