Audi Hungaria – The Company

Audi Hungaria wins Award of Excellence in Energy Efficiency for its Geothermal Energy Project

2017. 03. 07.

Győr, 7 March, 2017 – AUDI HUNGARIA Zrt. received the Award of Excellence in Energy Efficiency from Magyar Innováció és Hatékonyság Nonprofit Kft. (Hungarian Innovation and Efficiency Nonprofit Ltd). Zsolt Zentai, the company’s factory design manager accepted the award yesterday from Katalin Szili, patron of the Virtual Power Plant Program (Virtuális Erőmű Program™) during a formal event in the assembly hall of the Ministry for National Economy.

The sustainability project focuses on utilising renewable geothermal energy obtained via deep-bored wells in the automotive industry for heating industrial halls and providing heat for technological purposes. The Factory Design Department of the company is responsible for projects related to energy efficiency and sustainability, which enabled it to successfully implement an innovative plan, in cooperation with external partners, allowing the company to cover 70% of its heat demand from geothermal sources. Two years ago, Audi Hungaria completely restructured its energy supply system and has been utilising renewable geothermal energy supplied by the Bőny Heat Distribution Centre near Győr since November 2015.

This year marked the sixth anniversary of the Tender for Excellence in Energy Efficiency, the goal of which is to improve the energy awareness of companies, public institutions and residents. Audi Hungaria has been among the award-winning participants each year.

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