Audi Hungaria – The Company

Help Comes from Audi

2017. 09. 11.

• An Audi A4 Avant automobile supports the work of the Ambulance Service in Győr.
• The new ambulance vehicle will make medical help faster.
• Dr. Elisabeth Knab, Member of the Board of Management for Human Resources of Audi Hungaria: “Social responsibility is of key priority for our company.”

Győr, 11 September 2017— AUDI HUNGARIA Zrt has made an Audi A4 Avant automobile available to the Ambulance Service of Győr. The car keys were handed over this morning by Dr. Elisabeth Knab, Member of the Board of Management for Human Resources of Audi Hungaria to Dr. Mária Lórántfy, Regional Director of the National Ambulance Service.


“We deeply respect the work of the ambulance service and we hope that with this vehicle we can contribute to the efficient work of ambulance units, which can save lives”, Dr. Elisabeth Knab said.

Rescue and emergency medical services are crucial in the event of accidents or emergency situations. Lives are at stake, depending on how fast the ambulance arrives.
The 150 HP Audi A4 is equipped with automatic transmission, cruise control and navigation system.The ambulance service management will mostly send it out in special cases and to patients with a serious condition. 5 to 7 rides are to be expected during a 12-hour service period.
The Ambulance Service of Győr manages 18-20 thousand cases each year.

Audi Hungaria has been supporting the social and healthcare services of Győr and the region for several years. In 2013, Audi Hungaria provided financial support for the Ambulance Service of Győr. The donation was spent on a respiratory monitoring device. Last year, the refurbishment of the Ambulance Station of Győr was of high-priority within Audi Hungaria’s volunteering program. As part of the program, Audi employees renewed the building by painting and redecorating it.

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