Audi Hungaria – The Company

Audi Hungaria Supports The Hospital In Győr For The Fourth Time In The Fight Against The Coronavirus

2021. 05. 05.

This time the company supports the health facility with almost 50 million HUF

So far the hospital has received a total of 200 million HUF of aid in the pandemic situation

Alfons Dintner, Chairman of the Board of Management of Audi Hungaria: "In this challenging and extraordinary situation, help is of the utmost importance"

Győr, May 5, 2021 - For the fourth time, Audi Hungaria is supporting the Petz Aladár County Teaching Hospital in Győr in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. Today, Alfons Dintner, Chairman of the Board of Management of Audi Hungaria, and Dr. Elisabeth Knab, Member of the Board of Management of Audi Hungaria, responsible for Human Resources and Organization, handed over the grant, worth nearly 50 million HUF on behalf of the Győr hospital, to Dr. László Jávor, General Director of the hospital, and Dr. András Csaba Dézsi, Mayor, City Of Györ.

"In this challenging and extraordinary situation, help is of the utmost importance. Therefore, we would like to make a donation, to help contain and successfully control the spread of the coronavirus. In addition to introducing a number of protective measures in our company to safeguard the health of our employees, it is essential for us to support the healthcare of the people in the region during this difficult time," said Alfons Dintner, Chairman of the Board of Management of Audi Hungaria.

The donation of almost 50 million HUF will help to further increase the safety of care at the Covid department of Petz Aladár County Teaching Hospital. The company's support will enable the puchase of equipment for the treatment and care of patients. Since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the company has helped the health and social care institutions of the region with a total of 200 million HUF. The company's previous donations have enabled the hospital in Győr to purchase respirators and special protective clothing.

"With our support, we not only want to help fight the pandemic, but also to thank the dedicated and persevering work of those who work in health and social care institutions, pursuing their vocation every hour of the day, saving lives," said Dr. Elisabeth Knab, Member of the Board of Audi Hungaria, responsible for Human Resources and Organization.

As the largest employer in the region, AUDI HUNGARIA Zrt. plays an important role in society and, as a responsible company, contributes to the development of healthcare in the region and the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. The company regularly donates to organizations in the region. It supported six health and social care facilities in the fight against the coronavirus, and provided an Audi Q3 vehicle to the Hungarian Red Cross in Győr, so that the organisation can support health institutions and authorities more effectively in the fight against the coronavirus.

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