What kind of car do you drive?
A second-generation, 2009 edition, S-line, white TT Coupé with a 1.8-liter TFSI engine.
Why did you choose this model?
I have always liked the second-generation TT, and its exterior design caught my eye. For me, it is very chickish. It is a small car, and since I am also small, it is the only thing I could imagine myself driving. Previously, a friend of my mum’s in Pápa had a second-generation TT, which I was always fated to run into. Well, that is where my love for it culminated. The most important aspect for my parents was, of course, that it should be safe, because I drive it a lot. I always drive home from Győr to Pápaderecske on weekends. I am a senior in Commerce and Marketing at Széchenyi István University. I live here with my partner and I have already started working.
What made you choose this car?
It was not an easy choice because I had a very clear idea of what I wanted my car to be like. A white, S-line model in good condition, with a petrol engine and steering control system... no car met these criteria in Hungary, but we found the right one in Germany, with low mileage, which was also an important criterion. So we can say that the car got back to Győr, its birthplace.
What do you like most about it?
Everything. When commuting between Győr and Pápa, it is handy to sit in a robust car, and it is also important that it feels safe when overtaking. For me, the advantage lies in its small, compact size since I can easily reach everything in the back two seats with my 156 cm. I have a complete wardrobe back there, she laughs. Its boot is surprisingly roomy and can easily hold a week’s worth of food from my two grandmas. I would not trade it for anything. Overall, I love everything about it, and I want to keep it for a very long time.
Does your car have a name?
It does not have a nickname. I call it TT, yet the number plate itself is a reference to it. I received the unique number plate as a gift. It was a total surprise, as was the arrival of the car, as I was expecting it a few weeks later. When I got home to my parents’ house on a Friday, my mum was busy in the garden, so I went round to say hello. We had been talking for about 5 minutes when she suddenly said: “Enikő, come on, turn around.” And there it was, my beautiful white TT with a bow tied around it. I look back on that with great fondness. My parents really managed to surprise me.

What kind of driver do you consider yourself to be? If you drive a sports car, do you drive sporty?
I think I drive well, I would say rather safely. That is what people who travel with me say. I do not speed, but when I need to, I overtake with confidence, because the car never puts me in an unexpected situation. For me, driving is not about speeding.
How did you find the film shooting?
I was terribly nervous before, but then of course, I soon loosened up, and the whole day was a really good experience. It was a really family atmosphere, and I was sorry that it was over. To end the day and the film shooting, we went to visit the factory of Audi, and it was a great experience to see how big it really is. I also had the chance to go on a real factory visit the other day on the occasion of the national meeting of TT owners in Hungary, and it was a real blast to see all these cars being made.
After all, it is even more special to live in the city of TT.
Finally, do you have any funny experiences with your car?
Oh, there are many. A recurring one, which happens all the time, is that there are always big cars pulling up next to me in the big parking lots, and I constantly cannot find my car, because it only shows up when I am really close. Of course, the fact that I never remember where I have parked also adds to this. It can be quite a long process, a real hide-and-seek for my car after doing the shopping.