Let’s travel back in time to 2020, when everything started. Kristóf and Silvio met for the first time when working on the Revuelto project. Kristóf you from the side of Audi Hungaria, Silvio you from the side of Automobili Lamborghini participated in building a strong relationship between the two companies.
Kristóf: Yes, we were playing a huge role in the planning of the collaboration from the very beginning with Silvio. In the first months our focus was on building a strong and sustainable relationship between Audi and Lamborghini. We worked out special strategies such as a flow that will solidify the work together for a long period of time.
As our current situation shows, I think we successfully achieved what we planned, and we are extremely proud of it.

Silvio: With Kristóf we worked together for so long and so much on the Pilot project, I think in that period we spoke almost every hour.
This strong relationship was essential to start a collaboration between the two companies. We didn’t have an easy job with this at the start since we had to work out a strategic and relationship structure.
Furthermore, the technical topics were the main to solve at the beginning of the project, but we needed to connect and deal with the cultural differences as well. I am also very proud that we managed to lay down the proper foundations and I think I can confidently say, We are now the bridge between the two companies.

You are participating in a not every day professional concept. How was the idea of the exchange programme born? How did the idea come alive and how did you start this new journey?
Silvio: Kristóf and the Győr team was in Italy. Meeting for the first time was already very exciting – right after Covid – we could finally meet in person not just over the computer.
After a long day we went out for dinner together and obviously we were talking about work. We were thinking of how we could make it possible to extend and level up the collaboration. The whole exchange programme concept started at this point, from this idea.
It was a long and kind of uncertain process at first, but as we were moving forward it started to become exciting and more and more natural. One week I suddenly realized I am actually moving in a couple of days. My family also came with me, it was an exciting moment for us.
Kristóf: At first, I didn’t see the end of the waiting for the approval of the program since we had to wait a lot for confirmations, especially the final ones. It’s not surprising, because this is the first ever collaboration like this in the history of Audi Hungaria and Lamborghini.
Moving was a little chaotic for me. We were scheduling our wedding to October with my wife, but I already had to be in Bologna in September. Thankfully with some changes we could make everything happen. My wife joined me in Italy after the wedding. Everything is so much easier when she is here with me.
Aside from your everyday environment the biggest change is probably your field and tasks of work. Currently what is your main role? Are you still working on something together?
Silvio: I am currently coordinating the Lamborghini projects and the related activities here in Audi Hungaria. I follow topics from technical, project side, supplier escalation and finance related. At the same time, I am exposed to the everyday processes of Audi Hungaria from which I can gain insight and learn for myself. It is not rare to take part in Audi related topics and it is a valuable chance to get to know the colleagues here and increase my knowledge.
On top I am working on future projects for the SCC team, the wish is to expand it for other brand of the group. I think this is one of the most interesting task and a competitive advantage for Audi Hungaria.
I work less together with Kristof now, but we are still in touch. We exchange information on a daily basis regarding new and old topics and we also share Audi and Lamborghini „Tips & Tricks” with each other.
Kristóf: I arrived at Lamborghini when the V12 Revuelto project approval process ended. Currently we are in the stage where the customers are getting their new cars in a few weeks and the sampling processes and component approval processes are being finalized. My responsibility involves handling the issues that arise with components, directly in collaboration with the suppliers.
Since I completely took over Silvio’s tasks and responsibilities, I often talk to him for advice and help. He was the one who conducted the entire product approval process on the V12 engine. He sees things thoroughly so he can help me anytime. We don’t just have a professional work relationship we have also built a really good friendship with each other, so not only work unites us anymore.

What new skills could you learn working at the „new” company you are at? Kristóf, do you have skills from working in Győr you use in Bologna as well?
Silvio: Audi and Lamborghini are actually different in many aspects, such as the products and the number of employees. Audi Hungaria is basically a city in a city with its 12.000 employees, Lamborghini only has about 2000. The biggest difference for me is the structure and interaction with the colleagues. In Lamborghini I had to develop my skill of being able to prioritize my tasks, how to decide what is urgent and what are the things I have a time to focus on.
In Audi I have to focus on my project management skills. More people work here that means there is more „filter” in a certain way, meaning information goes through different colleagues and the roles are distributed among multiple participants. This gives me more time to allocate for planning, setting schedules and managing execution. At Lamborghini the reaction time in some cases has to be faster since the structure is much shorter.
Kristóf: I can fully agree with Silvio here. At Audi Hungaria you have more space when working on a project, the structure of the responsibilities is different. Here in Italy, currently I am responsible for a whole engine project, this requires a brand-new skillset from me. "At the same time, I can also leverage my technical knowledge as well as my German, analytical way of thinking, which I brought from Győr.
In addition to the technical aspect, I had to develop my skills related to personal management, alongside classical project management, I am also responsible for coordinating the activities of project participants and the technical team’s work. This workflow means the biggest challenge for me, putting my focus from the technical side of things to the management side of things.

Silvio, earlier you mentioned the cultural differences that can occur between the two companies. Are you experiencing any of this in your everyday life? How is working with the new team you are in?
Silvio: It was a bit of a shock for me how close these two cultures actually are to each other. The workdays almost look the same, maybe the working hours are a little different – in Italy we spend more time for the lunch by example. Here in Győr I am part of a huge community, I can not meet all of my coworkers on a daily basis, but I still communicate and work with plenty of people. I enjoy this aspect and it is a great opportunity for me to meet everybody and from different backgrounds as well.
Hungarian people are very open and welcoming, so the time here started with a great feeling.
My relationship with the Győr team is amazing, we usually meet occasionally, outside of work. We work well together, and I can always feel their support.
Kristóf: Yes, the lunchtime is way different than home, here at Lamborghini. We spend more time eating. I think this is a cultural difference. Here in Italy, there is a particularly strong emphasis on culinary culture.
The Italian corporate culture has different shape than the German one that is at Audi Hungaria but I feel like the Hungarian workflow is right in the middle of the two countries. It connects them. As Silvio mentioned the work hours for sure are different. We spend more time at work here at Lamborghini, but I am fine with it. The team here is very supporting and welcoming towards me, I feel like I fit in easily. The team is ambitious and hard working. They help me with the language barrier, when I am there everyone switches to English. The meetings are often in English too, but I am working on my Italian as well.

Let’s look at the bigger picture. Why do you think this exchange programme is important for Audi Hungaria and Automobili Lamborghini?
Kristóf: "In my opinion, this collaboration is something from which both companies can benefit. We aim to further strengthen this partnership and provide additional services for Lamborghini, as well as support for the project from the Győr side, thus building on the synergies of collaboration. Another important advantage is that working with Lamborghini is quite attractive for our colleagues in Győr."
Silvio: I agree with Kristóf. The collaboration strengthens the processes of both companies as we can maintain and exchange professional knowledge, build active connections, exchange global experiences and adopt a new mindset.
This is a growth opportunity for both companies and it keeps rising. I think this is the most important part of this programme.
It is then more than two companies working together but a collaboration between the coworkers as our friendship with Kristóf shows.