
Audi Development Camp: young talents at the summer training of Széchenyi István University

Győr, August 16, 2024 - Audi Hungaria and Széchenyi István University held their fourth Audi Development Camp, a joint training program, between August 9-15, 2024. In the Camp, young international students had the opportunity to try their hand at solving various vehicle engineering challenges at Széchenyi István University in Győr. The program aims to teach enthusiastic and motivated students how to get the most out of their engineering studies.

This year, a total of 35 talented students were chosen out of 120 applicants from 29 countries (including China, the United States, Spain, Germany, India and Spain) to participate in the summer training on powertrain development, where they worked in teams of five on real-life professional challenges: their task was to optimize the powertrain, the battery and the transmission of an electric car. In developing the solutions, the students had to take into account the consumption, range, dynamics and ESG aspects of the vehicle.


During the Audi Development Camp, in addition to project-based education, the students were offered additional activities, including a visit to the Audi Hungaria factory in Győr, where they were given a closer insight into the company's production activities. In addition to the factory visit, the program also included a dragon boat ride, a visit to the ZalaZone Proving Ground and a joint cauldron cookout.


Audi Hungaria's human resources strategy is forward-looking: the company launches and supports a number of university courses, thus actively contributing to the education of the next generation and ensuring the supply of a highly qualified workforce. The company looks back on several decades of successful cooperation with Széchenyi István University, during which the Audi Hungaria Faculty of Automotive Engineering was established in 2015, followed by the Audi Hungaria External Department in 2019.



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