
Audi Hungaria - Mission:Zero - energy efficiency remains at the center of attention

Győr, 6 March 2025 - Audi Hungaria remains committed to environmental protection, responsible management and sustainability. As part of the company's Mission:Zero environmental program, priority activities are taking place in four action areas - carbon neutrality, biodiversity, resource efficiency and water conservation - to reduce the site's environmental footprint and contribute to improving the wider environment and a liveable, sustainable future. 

Audi Hungaria has been carbon neutral since January 2020 as part of the Mission:Zero program. Energy efficiency is a key element in this. Last year, nearly 240 energy efficiency measures were identified and implemented in different areas of the company, resulting in total savings of more than 13,000 MWh. Much of this was electricity savings, but some measures were also taken to reduce energy use from natural gas and district heating. These savings cover the annual electricity needs of around 5,300 family houses*.



The company saves energy by modernizing lighting, and also by measuring and repairing leaks in compressed air lines, among other things. The optimization of the equipment used to provide emulsions in the engine plant has also continued and has inspired new energy efficiency measures in the oil supply equipment. And the energy consumption of the dryers in the paint shop will be significantly reduced in 2024 thanks to the use of waste heat from exhaust air.


In 2024, more than 95% of the company's heating energy came from geothermal energy.



Carbon neutrality is further enhanced by a 160,000 square meter solar park on the company's premises. Audi Hungaria will expand this by a further 160,000 square meters as of 2025 in cooperation with a Hungarian partner company.


The Győr-based company will continue to treat environmental protection as an area of strategic importance in the future, and its experts will place great emphasis on sensitizing employees and raising awareness through various employee actions and communication campaigns and awareness-raising programs. As a flagship university cooperation, the Széchenyi István University of Győr and Audi Hungaria Zrt. launched an ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) Master’s program in 2024, where future environmental professionals are trained with the help of the company’s experts.



9027 Győr, Audi Hungária út 1.

Registered by the Court of Győr as Commercial Court

Company registration number
Cg. 08-10-001840

+36 96 66 1000
+36 96 66 1001

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