
Audi Hungaria: giant presses for the production of the new generation of MEBeco electric motors

Győr, July 1, 2024 – Preparations are already well underway at Audi Hungaria in Győr for the production of the latest generation of electric drives, the MEBeco (Modularer E-Antriebs-Baukasten, or modular electric drive concept). At the Győr-based company, employees will produce the plate pack for MEBeco and the rotor of the electric drive. In the future, the company will also manufacture power electronics. Following the production equipment for the manufacture of gearbox components, new equipment has recently arrived at Audi Hungaria.

The newly arrived press and the line transfer unit are required for the production of the MEBeco drive plate pack. The components for the 110-tonne press have been transported to the company’s production site with 11 trucks. The line transfer unit will be used to move nearly eight tons of plate rolls during production, which means processing 100 tons of raw material per day.


“Transformation is rather intense in our company: the future of our powertrain factory will soon be secured with a new generation of electric drive called MEBeco, for which equipment is currently arriving in Győr. We prepare our employees through continuous training: learning new skills is a prerequisite for the production of the new generation of electric drives. The start of series production of the MEBeco engine family is approaching,” said Robert Buttenhauser, Member of the Board of Management of Audi Hungaria responsible for powertrain production.


Audi Hungaria in Győr has produced more than 500,000 electric motors since 2018. In November 2023, the company started series production of its latest electric motor family, the Premium Platform Electric (PPE), which also powers the new Audi Q6 e-tron model.

With the production of the new generation of MEBeco electric drives, the transition to electromobility continues both in the company and in the automotive industry. In the future, MEBeco drives will be built into the Volkswagen Group’s small electric cars.



9027 Győr, Audi Hungária út 1.

Registered by the Court of Győr as Commercial Court

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Cg. 08-10-001840

+36 96 66 1000
+36 96 66 1001

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