
Audi Hungaria receives the “Gábor Baross – For the Economy of Győr” award

Győr, October 12, 2023 – Yesterday saw the ceremonial presentation of the “Gábor Baross – For the Economy of Győr” award at the Synagogue of Győr, where Dr. Csaba András Dézsi, Mayor of Győr, and Szabolcs Szeles, Deputy Mayor of Győr, handed over the “Gábor Baross – For the Economy of Győr” award, on behalf of the company, to Mónika Czechmeister, First Employee of Audi Hungaria, and Zoltán Les, Member of the Board of Management of Audi Hungaria responsible for Vehicle Production. The award, founded by the City of Győr, was presented to Audi Hungaria in recognition of its significant contribution to the economic development of the city and the region, as well as its substantial support in the fields of education and culture, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the company’s founding in Győr. Besides Audi Hungaria, Rába Járműipari Holding Nyrt. was also presented with the prestigious award.

Audi Hungaria has been a key player in the economy of the region and the country since 1993. Today, it has grown to become the world’s largest powertrain manufacturer and one of the most modern vehicle manufacturers. The company produces around 1.7 million powertrains and 170,000 cars a year. In addition to powertrain and vehicle production, the company also has a high-level Technical Development hub and a tool factory in Győr, and offers competence-based services for the entire Volkswagen Group. Audi Hungaria is the largest employer in the region with nearly 12,000 employees and provides a living for around 50,000 people through its suppliers and service providers.

In the spirit of social responsibility, the company is proud to support the sports and cultural life of the city and is happy to back social initiatives that further improve the quality of life of the people living in the region. To support the education and training of the next generation, the company also has a unique cooperation with the Széchenyi István University in Győr and the city’s educational institutions.



9027 Győr, Audi Hungária út 1.

Registered by the Court of Győr as Commercial Court

Company registration number
Cg. 08-10-001840

+36 96 66 1000
+36 96 66 1001

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