
Freight transport at Audi Hungaria: more and smarter by rail

Győr, 23 August 2024 – Audi Hungaria is consciously seeking ways to reduce its environmental footprint as part of its Mission:Zero environmental program. The Audi Group’s combined rail transport solution (Kombinierte Verkehre), launched in spring 2024, fits in with this agenda, linking not only Germany and Hungary, but also three major Audi plants. As part of the materials supply chain between Ingolstadt, Neckarsulm and Győr, the train service from Regensburg to Hungary could prevent up to 11,500 tons of carbon dioxide emissions per year, with Audi Hungaria contributing approximately 5,000 tons.

Thanks to innovative loading technology, there is no need for special terminals or major infrastructure investments, which makes transport faster and more efficient than ever before. The train, carrying 72 truckloads of goods, travels more than 1,000 km in 24 hours, making two rounds a day between Regensburg and Lébény near Győr, saving 185,000 km of road transport every week. The new green train service also connects more than 50 suppliers in Germany, Slovakia and Hungary.


Audi Hungaria has always given high priority to the development of the rail transport sector, maintaining and increasing the high share of goods transported by rail. With this transport solution, the Győr-based company has switched almost 22 truckloads of goods per day and per direction from road to rail. This project is a significant step towards achieving an even more sustainable and efficient supply chain, both environmentally and economically, and can serve as an example for other companies.


Sustainability is a key pillar of Audi Hungaria’s strategy. The company has been balance sheet carbon neutral since 2020. The company is the largest industrial user of geothermal energy in Hungary, currently using geothermal energy for more than 90 per cent of its thermal energy needs. Contributing to its carbon neutrality is one of the largest solar farms in Europe, covering a total of 160,000 square meters on the roofs of the company’s logistics centers, which will soon be extended with another 160,000 square meters of photovoltaic installations.



9027 Győr, Audi Hungária út 1.

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Cg. 08-10-001840

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