
Self-driving robots under close surveillance at Audi Hungaria

Győr, 22 August 2024 - Audi Hungaria started series production of its Premium Platform Electric (PPE) for electric drives last November. A fleet of 30 robots delivers the components required for three production lines in the areas of transmission manufacturing, stator assembly and drive production - all under greater surveillance than ever before.

The deployment of the self-driving robots (Fahrerlose Transport Fahrzeug, or FTF) for the PPE production line already started in 2021, with the functionality testing of the machines to check that sensors work and that they stop at the right distance in case of a detected obstacle. This was followed by further tests ranging from software testing to connectivity testing. The great milestone was the pilot testing, where the company's colleagues modelled the requirements of the production lines prior to the performance and availability test vital for starting series production. All in all, the staff of Audi Hungaria tested the performance and utilization of the robots for almost three years before the project went live.



In the PPE engine production line, robots delivering parts currently cover a total of 131 kilometres a day. The software monitoring of the robot fleet was made possible by new the ideas and solutions brought in by the company's employees. The software is able to track and analyse what is taking place: for example, the utilization and availability of the robot fleet and the charge level of the robots' lithium-ion batteries. It also facilitates the evaluation of production days or shifts.



Series production of the PPE started last year at Audi Hungaria. The production of PPE drives comprises the manufacture of stator and transmission components and the assembly of drives.



9027 Győr, Audi Hungária út 1.

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