“We are committed to the community of our region, and this same spirit characterizes our volunteering efforts. We have executed numerous volunteer programs over the 30 years of Audi Hungaria’s existence, but this year, we wanted to raise awareness of the importance of selfless help concurrently and in cooperation with our parent company AUDI AG’s international production sites—be it setting up a donation centre, renovating a school gym or a care home for the disabled. I am pleased that many of our employees participated in these volunteer programs and experienced the constructive power of acts of kindness. Together, with the collective strength of our colleagues, we are helping the region and the people living in the region,” said Kinga Németh, Member of the Board of Management of Audi Hungaria, responsible for Human Resources and Organization.
Audi Hungaria employees implemented a total of five different projects.

The company’s employees were involved in the implementation of a donation centre devised by the Győr Family and Child Welfare Services Centre, the Unified Health and Social Institute and the Likócs Homeless Assistance Service Centre near Győr, with the aim of bringing donation management under the umbrella of the municipality. Audi employees contributed to this project by renovating the building and setting up a donation management system.

The four-ring company’s volunteers also helped to renovate the gym of the Staféta Sports Association in Győr, which makes sports facilities for disadvantaged children with learning difficulties available.
In addition, Audi volunteers renovated the premises and surroundings of the House of Providence (“Gondviselés Háza”) in Győr, which provides services and activities similar to a daycare centre for people with disabilities.

Nature-loving Audi employees helped to clean up the nature trail in Győrszentiván and put up information boards, making the trail walk an even more fulfilling experience.

With the help of Audi Hungaria staff, the starting dock of the Győr Water Sports Association was also renovated, with a non-slip floor installed, supporting the training of future athletes and Olympians.
“Plogging”, an activity combining waste collection with running and jogging in nature, was also part of the international volunteer day, allowing our staff to do something for their health and for the environment by collecting waste in several locations in the city.
On the volunteer day, the Győr-based company did not forget about wheelchair-bound citizens either: within the framework of the “wheelmapping” project, the company’s volunteers created an online map on which they marked facilities, cafés and community spaces they visited that are suitable for wheelchair access, and thus accessible for people with disabilities.
As part of its social responsibility, Audi Hungaria has been supporting a number of charitable initiatives in the region for many years. The company has organized on several occasions the “Month of Good Deeds”, where employees have volunteered to help people in their communities. In the spirit of social responsibility, Audi Hungaria is a committed supporter of the kayak-canoe division of the Győr Water Sports Association, the Staféta Student Sports Association, the EMBERsÉG Student Sports Association and the “House of Providence” of the Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta. With these partnerships, the Győr-based company supports not only competitive sports, but also recreational sports as well as opportunities in sport for people with disabilities.