
Visit to Minister Márton Nagy

Győr, February 12, 2024 – Following the visit of Márton Nagy, Minister for National Economy, to Győr in November, this time a delegation of Audi Hungaria travelled to Budapest.

The visit was related, among other things, to the farewell of the outgoing Chairman of the Board of Management of the company, Alfons Dintner, whom Minister Márton Nagy thanked for his constructive cooperation over the past years.

In the spirit of continuity, the new Chairman of the Board of Management of Audi Hungaria, Michael Breme, was introduced and the Minister wished him every success in his work.

At the meeting, the parties discussed the most important steps to prepare for the transformation of the automotive industry and global economic challenges, and Audi Hungaria's management presented the company's future plans to Minister Márton Nagy.



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